So, your fire risk assessment is complete, the building meets the requirements of building regulations, your fire alarm system works. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, quite a lot actually. As your business evolves and you take on new work, new staff or different techniques, your risk will change. Even something as simple as a change in the weather can affect the way in which people behave which in turn can impact your fire risk. The structure will age too. So you can't just leave this stuff to chance.
If you have a clear fire strategy you will be able to set up activities to ensure that the active and passive measure you have in place are still performing as they were intended and that you are protected as planned.
One of the most dangerous situations you can get into is where you believe that your risk is covered but in reality it has changed and you are no longer protected in the way you had envisaged.
You may need some assistance to understand what could trip you up and how you can manage those elements of your fire strategy that could become less effective over time.
We can help.