

Based in the civil aviation industry and airport environment Roger has 30 years’ experience in providing fire safety within some of the most complex and diverse risk environments imaginable. He has worked in both firefighting and fire safety capacities reporting to the director level of these businesses and has a passion for ensuring that fire strategies work for the people involved.

Roger has a wide knowledge of the types and combinations of systems that can be used to deliver fire safety in the built environment but remains convinced that ultimately people are the key to making safety work. He has been involved in projects to help promote greater awareness both in fire safety and more generally in behavioural safety too.

As a qualified lead investigator for ”Kelvin TopSet” and an instructor in this technique Roger is able to use this to analyse where incidents have caused business issues and he is able to assist in finding root causes and thus can help to prevent incidents occurring.

Gentle Fire Solutions is a consultancy designed to help businesses develop their own bespoke fire safety strategies in a way that allows them to understand and take control of their risk themselves. This may include the “IAM Fire Safety®” process to assist in developing and understanding risk exposure.